
MatrixMen was started in 2011 by Martin Pelders our founder.  Martin himself is a recovered addict and survivor of childhood sexual abuse.  His recovery was a long and painful process that he faced alone.  
"I didn't believe there were other men that had suffered what I had, I felt so alone and like a total freak.  The world only talks about the female victims, and more so never talks about the female that rapes.  I was abused by women and men alike so I felt really weird"

During the healing process Martin decided that he needed to start an organization that would talk about and support the men that had been abused.

As the years progressed, MatrixMen realised  that there was a serious lack of support for men's mental health,  In terms of Health all we expect from men is that they have a great body, a six pack and big shoulders. We seldom look at what men are going through emotionally and mentally.  This fact became more and more obvious as we looked at the research into the state of men in Africa.

Some Of the Numbers 

   44% of all boys suffer sexual abuse by age 18 more than the girls 

   25 to 28 men commit suicide every single day as opposed to 4 women
   97% of prison inmates are Men

  70.1% of the homeless are men

  Literacy rates among boys and men are only 9,6%

  Only 42% of university in South Africa are men

  68% of our homes are fatherless


  With all the numbers above, surely we must realise that We Have A Crisis Amongst Men


  Why The Name MatrixMen

When we talk about the Matrix in this context its not about  movie.  We refer to the geological matrix, a hard out shell that nothing can penetrate but once we crack it open the men are filled with gems.

How we help

Supporting men and boys through the court process

Support Groups 

MatrixMen runs support groups in various parts of the country and is beginning to open up further afield

We run online recovery programs  that people can log onto at minimal cost

Building a center for men and boys

A very exciting project and a first of its kind word wide is out center for men and boys in Mpumalanga 

MatrixMen endeavors to help men and boys that have taken the bold step to  prosecute their perpetrators by standing by them and advising them through the court process

Recovery weekends for survivors

We arrange weekends of recovery for survivors where we focus on holistic health, not just mental but teaching good nutrition, sleep, exercise and 

Mental health for men

MatrixMen is vested in teaching men to develop a better EQ.  We run training programs  helping men to communicate better, use words instead of anger. Essentially we teach men to get away from the big five coping mechanisms
Addiction and 

March 2001

Matrix Fireside meetings 

Join one of our fireside meetings or start one in your area.  We feel it is vital to create spaces where men feel comfortable to be able to speak about the issues that they most struggle with, be it work, fathering, or relationships, we support one another in a non judgmental way.


NO.  No.  As much as we often blame ourselves for what happened to us as children, you never asked for it or invited it into your life.  It was never your fault and no matter what it did not alter your sexual identity.  It may have confused you, but we can help you work through that.

This isnt true.  While the hard abuses often cause physical harm, they can often mentally be classified as crimes. 

Soft abuses change the way we think about ourselves and the way we interact with the world.  Men with tremendous  anger issues were often not heard as children.

The abuses perpetrated on children at a young age is not easily forgotten.  It remains in our subconscious for a lifetime.  The best way to deal with these issues is to talk about them and work through them.  
Healing isn't easy, but it is life transforming

Donating is important

Help us to build our new center and extend our groups nationally .